Pineapple “Mauritius” (මුරුසි අන්නාසි) 1kg


The pineapple “Mauritius” is the most popular and most widespread pineapple in Sri Lanka.

A real taste explosion!

Our tree-ripened pineapples are refreshingly juicy and pleasantly aromatic. Because they are harvested so ripe, they contain very little acid and are therefore all the sweeter. However, the typical pineapple scent is very intense and when you open the package, it will already flow towards you.

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Why our pineapples are different?
Only tree-ripe pineapples are refreshingly juicy and pleasantly aromatic. Because they are harvested really ripe, they contain very little acid and therefore they are sweeter. However, the typical pineapple scent is very intense and when you open the package, it will already flow towards you. This will probably make your mouth water now and in addition to the unique taste and fragrance of this fruit, it is also a real feast for the eyes and ideal for decorating. A pineapple fruit should not be missing in any fruit basket. We always try to choose only fruits with smaller crowns, because firstly this means less weight and secondly it is an indication of less rain during the growing season and of course promises more sweetness and more taste.

What size is a pineapple usually?
The fruits are always very different, but usually never heavier than 1.5kg. Often even under 1kg. Give us the desired weight of your pineapple, then we can take that into account when packing.
We usually leave 2-3cm off the stem and the crown as well. However, we can also cut both if desired, if you want to save weight and “only” want to eat the pineapple 😉

When is the pineapple ready to eat?
Of course, at any time on arrival – but you can also wait a little longer until it is completely orange-yellow and no longer has any green areas. It ripens from the bottom up and is therefore usually sweeter at the bottom than at the top. If you want to hang the fruit upside down on the stem, this is also the best storage option and ensures that the “sugar” “wanders” to the top. The shell yields slightly under pressure and is somewhat elastic, which makes it easier to pull out the middle crown petals is another characteristic of maturity.

How to store pineapple?
The pineapple doesn’t want to be in the fridge, it feels better at room temperature.
Fully ripe pineapples should be consumed quickly. If necessary, peeled in the refrigerator, but then the taste suffers.
So it’s best to snack on it immediately if it is all orange – because it won’t get any better 😉

How to cut pineapple?
The pineapple is easy to cut into slices. The shell can then be peeled afterwards or before. You can also quarter them and then remove them from the bowl. The juicy, firm, mostly golden-yellow pulp can be easily cut and remains firm.
I love to peel the fruit completely and only sparingly. Then I cut out the “eyes” in notches and diagonally. The fruit then looks like a spiral when I’m done. Also very decorative if you leave the crown and stem on. Give it a try.
As an absolute professional, you can also simply eat the fruit with your fingers. First pull out the crown and then start to detach the individual segments from above. This is getting much easier after a few rows and the small segments are almost like small candies. When you arrive a little further down you can also enjoy the pulp and the stalk, which is mostly tender and crunchy. That’s probably how the monkeys do it.




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